Some may call it luckā€¦thats up for debate
How can a number exchange beget a wedding date?
While good things can come to those who wait
Great things can come when left to fate.

But whatever one believes most will have to agree
That this relationship may just be the key
To both of our hearts for all to see
That Brandan and Eleanor are really meant to b.e.
Eleanor first saw Brandan in February of 2006 and promptly told her sorority sister, Allison that he would be hers! After Allison introduced them to one another, Eleanor (being a very confident and outspoken woman) told Brandan "You are sooooo cute!" to which he replied "Thanks, you're cute too." Even though not much happened after their first encounter fate would soon grant them another chance.

On May 5, 2006, Eleanor felt as if she was going to have a good night. Eleanor and her friend Kandice went out and ended up at a local night club called "The Cove". Brandan was there as well, although he seemed to have the attention of another young lady. This didn't deter Eleanor! She stared at Brandan throughout the evening (admittedly rude, but not her concern), while her friend Maria told her nothing but good things about him. Suddenly, the confident and outspoken Eleanor was nervous so she enlisted the assistance of her friend Brittany to inform him she was interested. Brittany obliged and they exchanged numbers...the rest is history!

So as you can see Brandan and Eleanor had a little help in meeting. Because of this, Eleanor would like to thank Allison, Kandice, Maria and Brittany for helping her connect with her future husband.
Brandan was super creative when he proposed. He created a photo album of all of his and Eleanor's adventures and memories together over the past 7 years and presented to Eleanor as a gift.

As she was guided through the album Brandan said "We're going to fill this up with photos of our life going forward" in which Eleanor, rather nonchalantly replied "OK." As Eleanor turned to the last page of the album she noticed the engagement ring! Standing up in shock, she began to cry, and said "What's going on? Are you serious?!" As Eleanor sat back down she said "So what are you asking me?". Brandan replied, "I think it's implied?". Then she said again "So what are you asking me?". Brandan said "Will you marry me?". Eleanor exclaimed "YES!!!!!" cried some more, then proceeded to call her mother Diane, sister Casey, brother David, best friend Erniece, sorority sister Shanise and all her countless other family and friends...then began looking for wedding venues.